Blackmagic vs Panasonic rumours

This article is a comparison of the specifications of the Blackmagic Production Camera 4K (BMPC4K) and Panasonic GH4 cameras, with currently available information. Important: The information is unverified. At least half of it are just rumors. Therefore, don’t take this comparison seriously. Don’t take the prices or the specifications seriously either. Les mer her:

Nå kan nye Mac Pro bestilles fra Video4

Foreløbige priser: Small – 3.7GHz Quad-Core/16GB/512GB/2xD500 – NOK 21.104,- eks mva Medium – 3.5GHz 6-Core/32GB/512GB/2xD500 –  NOK 32.808,- eks mva Large – 3.5GHz 8-Core/32GB/512GB/2xD700 – NOK 46.968,- eks mva Gigantic! – 2.7GHz 12-Core/64GB/1TB/2xD700 – NOK 66.232,- eks mva Ta kontakt med Video4 om du ønsker hjelp av deres eksperter for å konfigurere din Mac Pro!

Nye Mac Pro

By Ted Landau. When I first gazed upon the radically redesigned, supercharged Mac Pro at Apple’s WWDC last June, my reaction was immediate: “This is my next computer.” The promise of lightning-fast speed combined with the allure of its futuristic cylindrical design seemed irresistible. As it turns out, resistance was all too possible. With additional… Continue reading Nye Mac Pro

GoPro 4 rykter

Vi sprer normalt ikke rykter som ikke er bekreftet, men hvis dette viser seg å være riktig, har vi virkelig noe å se fram til: We got informatiomn about GoPro 4 specification 4K Ultra HD H.264 Encoder – Film in 4k resolution at 30fps – High Profile with B-frames for high efficiency

Ny HDMI standard

HDMI 2.0 er den nye standarden lyd og bildeindustrien nå har blitt enige om. 18 Gbits pr sek er den nye overføringshastigheten, mot den gamle 1.4 standarden som hadde 10,2 Gbits. Les mer